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11:30 p.m. - Thursday, Jul. 03, 2003 (Addendum: edited, July 12, 2004)
He fibs, I respond...
I have a guestbook stalker "per se", who is a psychologist wannabe. Over the past few years, Luscious Lips, the truck mechanic by trade, enjoys trying to label me, the psych nurse by profession, with various psych diagnoses, which of course, he hasn't the foggiest idea what he is jibbering on about.

The dear man, sorry to say, is a compulsive liar. A few diary postings back, I stated the man is a hacker, cracker, liar etc, etc. All true. I can prove it by his own words and by his posts in various newsgroups.

If you have time, read his posts in my diaryland guestbook . You can't miss the posts. They are the LONG, derogatory, mean, ugly, deranged entries *wink*. He threatens to embed some nasty cookies hacker on my pc. In addition in my GB, he speaks of all the nastys he will reign upon me if I don't abide by his demands, etc, etc. A mean, arrogant, bullying man he is. Like I've mentioned before, he likes to think he is God's gift to humankind. In chat rooms, I hear he tries to intimidate people by telling them, that there is a stats counter. Of course. Diaryland supplies Gold Members with one if we so wish. DUH!

He claims in my GB to be loved by all. Hairy-ass is a loner. He has very few real-life friends. The few friends his has mostly are from his work and are from online. The REAL friends he has he "badmouths" even. I recall him referring to his good friends wife as having straw for brains and she was one of those who "loved' him in return. She preferred him at her wedding over me. Talking about his friends like that. Fine loyal friend he is. NOT! Friends don't treat friends like that. Friends usually are kind and gentle to those they care about.

He is loved by many? By some perhaps? Many people tolerate him for fear of his wrath. He is known for his bullying nature. He is not very much liked in chat rooms because of it. He is delusional if he thinks he is. He likes to think he is well liked. Most know what to say to him to keep the evil one subdued. "Sweet talk him" or "give him a bit of suga" they say. I'll give him a bit of suga alrighty > BONK!!@^%@*&! LMAO

Naked-ankles would not feel secure if he heard what people say behind his back, especially the women. Most men when, his name pops up find him obnoxious. Sorry babe. You aren't as well-liked as your mind seems to think. You is deluded.

Of course, a bully is going to be told wonderful stuff to his face, to keep his evil ways at bay. You know how that goes. When the bully isn't around or behind his back, that's another thing altogether.

Sweetcheeks literally "freaks" if someone so much as looks crosseyed at him. He is THAT sensitive and unstable. He has an unnatural need to feel loved "by all".

---He once told me that he "NEEDS" to always to have a woman besides his wife to talk to, to share things with. Otherwise he will go nuts. Hmmm, that would make another interesting topic.---

When a person in a chat or in real life does not fulfil that need for him, he becomes extremely angry, distraught, anxious, thinking people are thinking badly of him.

In response, he can become spiteful, vengeful, unreasonable and mean. At times even delusional.

--Off of the topic for a sec: I noticed that in my guestbook, that he used "confabulate" which we use in psych instead of what HE SHOULD be using and what he usually uses as a truck mechanic, the correct word "fabricate". He is a fake, a JOKER. If he wasn't so pathetic, at times, he would actually be funny.-- .

He belongs to various news groups and chats, uses a tantamont of aliases due to his extreme paranoia. He even thinks I follow him around on the internet, like I have nothing better to do.

Well bigboy, today you are getting more attention from me. So sweety don't be getting paranoid on us. I have a mission here. I am proving a point. You are telling lies in my guestbook, as usual.

Since approximately April 2000, Monkeybutt had been hanging around at Cheetachat . With the name Dreamdealer, he occassionally will harass a few innocents as he always has in his his insatiable craving for turmoil.

Now, the big man says Cheetachat has gone under. He contributed to its ruination and demise by his incessant cruelty to people. Chatters would leave and go elsewhere. Many didn't like gpan either.

HE was constantly trying to hack into cheetachat. ( one of the male-dependent staff who was told about the guy, either knew and didnt care or?) One time he madeup a Webpage trying to convnce the CC boss that I was trying to hack CC, when in reality he was the culprit. That doesn't really surprise me. With the charm that accompanies his anti-social personality traits, he has a talent as a convincing liar.

Now people are trying to forge a friendly chat at Tiny Town Chat However, the man again is trying to wage his havoc over there also. In my guestbook today, he is insisting I am a woman named Saicora. He is wrong again. It so happens that the Saicora is a sweet, older woman, who I sold my old laptop to a few years ago. It had a Cheetachat file which she apparently decided to use. (*here too anybody with a lick of sense knows about IP addresses. My friend and I have entirely different internet providers.)

It was unfair of me to sell the lappy to her without crashing the lappy first. I'm not good at that kind of stuff. The poor woman has been harassed by the guy in CC for a over a year now. Saicora apparently has just been ignoring the guy. She called me a few months back asking me if I had the start up disks for her lappy.

Hmmm. I'm curious. Wonder what it is that makes Dreambaby believe I am her or she is me? Is it because of when he hacked into my lappy? He still would be in it now and have all her passwords and stuff. Or is it because she is from Minnesota too? All women in CC an TT who are from Minnesota are me, in his paranoid hazel eyes. That's good, ole paranoid Twinsin and his well-manipulated-sick bunch.

---Off on another sideline---At a family get-together a month ago, I confronted my daughter. I asked her if she ever told the ole boy that I'd stalked anyone. She said: "Well, sure. I wanted you back here in Minnesota. So I told him that Jenna thought you'd been stalking her. I told Ken that. I wanted him to leave you alone mom. I wanted you to come back to Minnesota. Mom, no one in the family believed Jenna. They all know she's goofy. He didn't seem bright enough to know the difference. Looks like it worked. You're back here". I am still really peeved at her. I will NEVER forgive her for telling those manipulative lies back in October '97! Deceitful bitch. She knows I'm still pissed at her .---

Jenna is my daughter's stepmom. My ex is an abuser. His wife is very anxious and paranoid because of his abusing her. He kicked the shit out of me and broke my leg. After my cast was off, I took the girls and left him. The girls were 3 and 5 at the time. I was a single mom for 6 years. (*note: both dughters are grown, in ther mid 30's now)

I was still really peeved at at my daughter at the family get-together. I told her manipulatng and lying to Ken, when she met him that autumn, cost me alot of money in attorney fees, in the end. That THATs where he got his stupid idea of stalking from. He used that for an excuse. He said I had left a threatening note on his door step. Yes, I did. If he did not return some papers of mine, I threatened to tell his wife of his affair up in Maine of him and Terri.(name changed to protect the poor girl) The stalking aledged toward me was all bogus. A smoking gun. The judge knew it. However, I am a nurse bound by what he tells me in confidence. When the judge asked me what the topic of conversation was when he phoned me at work in late August '98, I informed the Judge that I could not answer because it was in confidence. His wife was in the court room and she did not deserve to hear that the "innocent" man (I'm being facetious) had seen Joyce again, who he'd cheated on his wife with 12 years earlier. I have my ethics. I am a good, honest woman. I would not purposely injure or hurt any person. Especially not his WIFE! He used the bogus stalking crap as an excuse because he was afraid I would inform his wife about Terri and that he'd been seeing Joyce again and whatever other wench he was bedding at the time. (His chatrooms are his outlet...I think what pisses him off most is I am the only person that really knows who he is and what he is. That angers him to no end! When I knew him, he knew I could read him like an open book.)

Therefore, he's labled me Suzey home wrecker. It was HIS behavior, not mine, he is the home wrecker. I wasn't cheating on his wife, he was. His wife worships the ground he walks on. They aren't really married. Never have been. He has it made. He doesn't want to ruin a good thing. His wife is his all-around slave. She cooks, cleans, buys his groceries and clothes, pays his bills, takes the sick kids(s) to the doctor. She does a good screw, I'm sure, even if he does badmouth his wife to other women for pity and to get laid. He tell others his wife is no better then a "bishop's wife". He plays the blame game all too well. He blames his poor wife for alot of his misery in his pathetic life. Damn, I bet he still feels threatened by me. I still have "the goods on him". Shit! You'd think he'd know: if I haven't used "the evidence" by now, I'm probably never going to use it. Why? Well, it's this way Ken. I'm not that kind of woman. I'm not a vicious person like you are. Otherwise the wife would have had everything a LONG time ago. So quit fretting. I've never done anything to you, you big hacking bully. Anything harmful done to you, is in your own mind. Done to yourself by yourself, by your MIND! You are a "victim" of your own doing. It is called a person liking excitement: who has anxiety with paranoia.

You are a Masshole born and bred, living in NH, poluting NH land. MY land. My people were in NH WAY before you were. You should get the fuck out of NH. Go back to Mass. And quit trying to kill me with your truck. You hacking maniac!

Wonder what his boss would say about his shennagan last Friday? Shit he's not worth my time. It's just I despise his blatant lies. Telling people he isn't a hacker, when we both know he is! What a fucker.

One of these days, I will go into Tiny Town chat and give Dreamdealer/Twinsin/Itizie(or whatever it is he calls himself these days) a taste of his own medicine. Bullying sweet, ladies that haven't done anything to him. He should be ashamed of himself.

What can be expected of a paranoid old man who believes he is being stalked. If he didn't believe a judge , he isn't going to believe anyone. He is too damn paranoid.

A friend of mine suggested that the man and I try burying the hatchet. Over the years, I've attempted to do just that with him. He wants none of it. He would rather run around being an angry, spiteful, probably scared man. Instead of dealing with problems regarding me, he hides behind silly webpages where he will fabricate and confabulate all he wants and the reader won't know the difference. He uses women in chat room to get at me. I am not able to defend myself. It is his spiteful, cowardly manner he tends to run his life. (****Recently I saw a picture of him. OMG! How the eyes changed. They told me alot. I am truely glad I do not know the man today. I would not want to be around anyone with such evil eyes. They are NOT the eyes of the man I knew in 1997. In fact after I mentioned the same in one of my recent 2004 diary postings, the pic just "disappeared" from the site where it was posted. The man knew what I was talking about. Odd. Sorry to be mixing up 2 different years here. OH well, its my diary after all . *SMILE*I have ADD what do you expect? I tend to go off on tangens. I eventually get back to the original topic.****)

I will continue more about this in another diary posting. For now back to the links which help prove that dear man is not telling the truth when he says he is not a hacker....

(******Addendum: July 12, 2004*since the diary posting all the Dreamscape2k links are well should they be....hacking/cracking SOB.....he hangs out in hacking newsgroups, admits to much proof you want? If my diary has helped even one person from being hurt or injured from that man and people like him, then I am glad.! I've worked hard trying to get the authorities to go after him for what he has been doing to me over the past 7 years. Finally!!!! Since 911, it is now possible for me to do something. The paper work involved is astronomical, but well worth the effort. Just wish I had help figuring out what to do with my PC's and new laptop that has recently been hacked at. Being computer illiterate isn't helping. Some of my pc software has alot of info that is VERY beneficial & initially snagged the bully. There is alot of info in all of my machines that is needed. Even as far back as 1997. Imagine that! No further comment needed. The more I write the more frustrated I am getting thinking about those Damn bitties. Check the name Dreamdealer with Google Groups. There was a good reason why I chose to make my diary non public. There is nothing worse when you tell someone that someone is maliciously hacking into your email, your computer, and you aren't believed, which happened in 1999, with the same woman who banned me from that chat recently for expressing my feelings in my diary here, making an occasional reference to the chat room, even if a good reference, even with the right of free speech mind you. OMG!!! She told me I had no proof. There was a reason in the restraining order that the judge told him to CUT IT OUT!! And that wasnt bogus shit either! I am talking about what is occuring today. What a person is doing harmfully to others the here and now. And boasts about it in news groups then denys it or plays it down when confronted about hacking. The woman the other day, basically demanded that I kiss her ass if I wanted to use her chat. Excuse me. Looks to me like certain people are sheltering a known hacker. I have the so called "proof" which my attorney said she had no right to even ask for, on floppy disks and CD roms logs and where the man admits to hacking into my email accounts and into other accounts of mine as pranks. Hacking/cracking/malicious meanness....we all have heard of those people. Hacking into email and destroying etc etc. The email is all documented as being deleted when how where, by who, IP addressed etc, etc. He isn't kidding anyone. SHE had the audacity to tell me that he had given HER "proof." Proof from an admitted hacker. Someone that can do anything he wants to contrive whatever he wants with something off a PC, to forge whatever he pleases and say it is from me. Oh my, speaks well for her judgement of character. Okay. Hmmmm. Enough of my rantings...back to July 2003****)

In previous guestbook postings, the' guy feigns modesty saying that he had never been a hacker. A blatant lie. (After he read my initial post and links Wednesday, proving him a liar, he finally admits, in my GB, that his hacking abilities aren't as good as I portray them here. He is playing modest. He is looking for sympathy from readers.)

By the way sweet Dreamdealer/Twinsin/Itizie, you don't really know how old I am, do you? I am NOT 13 years older then you. Far from it. You have no memory. Damn are you losing it. You go right ahead and think I go to NH to look at your ugly mug. Suit youself. If thats what you need to get your jollies, go right ahead, stay grandiose and delusional. I'm beginning to believe you get off on being paranoid, since you can't get off being married to a "bishop's wife".

Here is one more ignorant funny thing he writes in my GB: He thinks that if a woman has a hysterectomy, she can't have an "vaginal orgasm". Well it's probably one of two things, possibly both: 1) he isn't capable of giving a woman an orgasm. Or 2) There was too much in-breeding in that family down south. Meaning, like his son, he does not have the capacity to understand that, yes, a woman can have an "vaginal orgasm" after having a hysterectomy. I was truely embarrassed for you, Dreamdealer, by your naive/sarcastic comment. Showing your horns again were you?

Thats another thing. He has bad genes. He has a son, who is intellectually handicapped. They blame the doctors, saying that they left the kid in utero too long. There are a couple siblings of his, whom I met, who are not the brightest chickens in the coup either. Yep, musta been too much in breeding in that family. Bad blood. No wonder he is an angry man.

I realise my comments were mean, but he is a MEAN SOB. He dishes it out he better be able to handle it. Read the dirty shit he posts in my guestbook and those raunchey webpages over he years. This is only the beginning! My comments are mild in comparison. This is my diary and I will and can post what I want. If he can have a mean streak, by golly I will throw one in too! Just to show I can be an idiot too. LMAO

He belongs to a news group where up until August 2001 he used the name Dreamdealer to help educate other hacker wannabees.

Here is where (*note:now defunct...the hacking site was forced to close it down*) brags about his hacking group He avidly denies ever being a hacker in my guestbook. What's new? He is a liar.

At this semi-defunct site, he is listed as a hacker team member.

******************************* oh great Feline, you know who you are: FYI: Dreamscape2k et al were the hacking group claiming responsibility for the malicicous attack on Burger King in the UK a few years back. I am sure the great knowledgeable feline can research this online for her "proof". Please note that your pal states "my hacking group" in his link above over in google. What? is the feline a moron? or just too male-dependent? *wink* Talk about biased. (Talk about a person being railroaded in a chatroom.) If I CHOOSE to waste my time later on I may decide to write about that further. There ya go, freedom of speech again. Darn. I live in a free country. What DO you know! My hubby is retired from the newspaper and my daughter is still employed by the same. IN fact....hmmm. Now there's an idea!!! ) So sorry. Was off on one of my tangens again. Well back to July 3rd 2003....)******************

tutorial He uses to steal info from unsuspectiing persons and sites. Which computes: He is a full-fledged hacker/cracker and very proud of it. Why on God's green earth does he deny it? Only God, perhaps THE MAN himself, knows why he does any of the odd things he does.

The above are only a few of the examples of how he is "not a hacker". LMFAO and how he is not a lying jackhole.

The gang is summoning me. Steaks are ready. Will be back later and add a few more links. I have a mission. *smile* I'm tenacious. hehe

I think I will get me a drink, now that I think I am finally through with this post for today.

God Bless...

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